Popular Disciplines to Study and Lucrative Careers
The choice of college is usually a moment full of doubts in the student’s life since it is necessary to find a course that aligns with individual preferences and skills, as important as providing an ideal financial situation in the future. Every year, many students are faced with a decision that can mark their lives: to choose their educational path. This choice is motivated by multiple factors, such as interest in a specific academic and professional field, or the demand for certain professions. For this reason, knowing the disciplines and careers most demanded by companies usually contributes to making this decision.
A labor market in transition
Disciplines such as process automation, big data, or artificial intelligence have already begun to guide the labor market towards a new scenario characterized, on the one hand, by the generation of new jobs and, on the other, by the obsolescence of some Professions.
So, how about getting to know the courses on the rise for 2020 and beyond, to increase your chances of making the best decision?
The Most Demanded Careers and Disciplines
These transformations in the labor market lead to increased demand in specialist areas of STEM, marketing and sales, health and biology, and renewable energy.
The STEM area
A world structured mainly around big data, artificial intelligence, and automation will require professionals from STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics).
It is a sector whose growth is already reflected in data. 2020 LinkedIn, “Emerging Jobs Report,” analyzes the most demanded professions for the coming years in various countries. The specialist in the digital sector appears as one of the three most demanded professions.
Therefore, careers related to these disciplines are expected to continue to dominate the labor market in the coming decades, as new companies and organizations join the “fourth industrial revolution.” According to the report, experts emphasize artificial intelligence and robotics engineering, the full-stack engineers, scientists, and data specialists in cyber security.
Many reports have confirmed this report and how and why professionals will need data analysis and science and software and social network development.
Also, the demand for specialized profiles in the technology sector that today are taking their first steps will multiply. Among them are experts in artificial intelligence, machine learning, block chain, robotics engineers, or interaction designers between humans and machines.
Digital games: The market for digital games and applications continues to grow and offers excellent opportunities for specialized professionals, who are still few. Therefore, Digital Games is a course highlighted in 2020 and with many expectations for the coming years.
Digital Games is technological graduation that lasts an average of 2 years at good colleges.
Analysis and systems development: The Systems Analysis and Development professional plays an essential role in the computerization of companies in all segments. Such a person is responsible for developing, analyzing, designing, implementing and updating information systems.
The graduate degree in Analysis and Systems Development is technological and can last from 2 to 3 years.
Marketing and sales
Studies that enhance communication and interpersonal skills will continue to be among the most in-demand careers. In recent times, many studies have highlighted the importance of the work done by customer service, sales, and marketing professionals, which will also be needed in the job markets of the future. Both customer service and customer care representatives are the professional categories with the least probability of being automated.
As many reports have pointed out, the rise of content marketing has changed the paradigm of marketing and sales. The automation and digitization of marketing and sales also lead to a greater demand for other interdisciplinary professional profiles such as digital marketing directors, SEM and SEO specialists, social media specialists, or e-commerce consultants.
Health and biology
The health sciences are also one of the most demanded disciplines. Health services with qualified professionals must be prepared to face new challenges derived, for example, from the impact of pollution and climate change or demographic changes, such as the aging of the population.
Added to these new challenges are developing new technologies applied to the healthcare field and the emergence of new professional profiles. These factors make studies related to health, science, and technology, those that enjoy the best job prospects.
Also, among the most in-demand careers are those that combine science and technology. Biotechnology stands out, responding to many of society’s current needs in terms of health and nutrition. This specialty applies new scientific methods to the food and pharmaceutical industries, working on developing products that contribute to improving the health of society. Along the same lines, it is worth noting Biomedical Engineering, which applies traditional engineering principles to medicine.
Nursing: With the aging of the population, the health sector is continually expanding, opening many opportunities for nurses, not least because the number of professionals with higher education in the world is still low compared to those of other fields.
The Nursing course is a bachelor’s degree that lasts an average of 5 years. Until recently, it was only offered in a face-to-face format, but today a few colleges already have midwifery and nursing schools recognized by health care regulatory organizations
Renewable energy
Advances on the environment indicate that many countries are taking firm action for an energy transition towards more sustainable options. The so-called the green economy will generate employment at different levels, from the manufacturing and installing equipment to the generation of energy efficiency models. Many labor and employment experts have estimated that 24 million jobs will be created globally in the renewable energy sector.
Environmental engineering: Environmental Engineering deals with identifying problems caused by human activity to the environment and the development of methods and technologies to neutralize or minimize such damage. Environmental Engineering in almost all schools has a bachelor’s degree that lasts an average of 5 years.
Agribusiness comprises all primary activities, transformation, and distribution linked to agriculture and livestock. It is a crucial sector of many economies and will continue to expand in the coming years, according to projections from agriculture experts. In this context, professionals with higher education in Agribusiness can expect excellent opportunities in the labor market.
Agribusiness’s college is offered on a technical degree, with duration of 3 years, and a bachelor’s degree, which can last between 4 and 5 years.
The administrative field is a career that is always on the rise, even for 2020, as it offers many areas of expertise for professionals trained in the course. An administrator can work in companies of all sizes and segments, from banks to marketing agencies.
Hospital management: The technologist in Hospital Management is the professional responsible for the planning, organization, and management of health institutions, such as hospitals, clinics, maternity hospitals, laboratories, and health plan operators. The Hospital Management course is technological graduation that lasts three years.
Logistics: Logistics is in charge of planning the organization and distributing goods from their manufacture or sale to the final consumer. It is a strategic area for the development of the economy, and it still lacks qualified professionals.
The Logistics course can be a bachelor’s degree, with an average duration of 4 years, or a technological course that lasts 2 to 3 years.
From the above, everything indicates that the professionals of the future will be part of a labor market whose main characteristic will be constant change. Today, it is estimated that people change professional careers between three and seven times throughout their careers. The World Economic Forum warns of the risk of focusing on a single skill or reducing all knowledge to a single sector.
The success profiles of the future must, therefore, also boost their continuous learning capacities, develop soft skills (motivation, negotiation, or time management, among others) and dedicate time to learning foreign languages.